"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." -Aristotle

Thursday 26 April 2012

First anniversary!

Well, we've come to our first wedding anniversary, already! Time just goes so fast, it's hard to believe it's been a whole year since that beautiful day in Gretna Green. The weather's not so beautiful today unfortunately, and it looks like it's going to stay like this for our London getaway this weekend, but oh well, we'll make the most of it as always. Today we're just having a quiet day, Adam's making some brunch for us now, and tonight we're going to finally try that Thai restaurant down the street from us. Tomorrow morning we're off to London, which I've really been looking forward to. It'll be a quick trip since we're back on Sunday, but we'll have lots of fun I'm sure, and I'll try to take as many photos as possible. Hopefully I'll have a few stories to tell in a few days :)

And most of all, I hope this was just the first of many, many more happy years with my wonderful, gorgeous, silly, geeky (and I mean that as a very high compliment ;) ) sexy husband :) Love you Adam, thank you for the best year of my life so far <3

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