"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." -Aristotle

Tuesday 18 October 2011

inevitable, I suppose

So, on Sunday night my throat started to feel a bit scratchy and congested. Sometimes it can be nothing, and go away soon after, or sometimes it's the first sign that I'm coming down with an illness. I didn't sleep very well that night, and yesterday morning I wake up and my throat is worse. Didn't feel too bad otherwise, besides feeling a bit run down, but as the day went on my joints started to feel achey, and at times I felt either quite cold, putting on jumpers and wrapping up in a blanket, and then later feeling quite warm. But then, if my temperature was up a bit, that would mean it was killing off germs so that would actually be a good thing. In any case, I went out early yesterday and got the grocery shopping done before I felt too crappy, and got the laundry done, so I had the rest of the day to laze around (good job that yesterday and today are my days off from work!) and just spent time watching a chick film and reading my book. Drank my vitamin drink, a nice cup of hot coffee, and later on some soup, stayed warm and as comfy as possible. It's never fun to not feel well, but it's good when you have the chance to slow down and give yourself a rest. So far this morning my throat feels nearly back to normal, and I feel a lot less tired than I did yesterday, so hopefully whatever this is I'm fighting it off *knocks on wood* and after I spend one more day today indoors relaxing, I'll be feeling more myself again tomorrow when I'm back in to work. And Adam's finally putting the heat on in here, so maybe having the flat a little warmer in here will help too. This weather and this time of year always seems to make it inevitable that I'll start to feel under the weather at some point. But at least for now I seem to be getting through this one easy enough.

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