"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." -Aristotle

Thursday 24 November 2011


So here I am, my first Thanksgiving across the pond. Well, it's the morning of anyway, haven't gotten started on the day yet as it's still early, just got up and got on the computer, letting the sunlight stream in (haven't had many sunny days lately, so it's a bit of a treat to see the sun out today!) and reminiscing on Thanksgivings past. Growing up, we always went up north to see my grandparents for a couple of days, time there always seemed to go so fast, but we enjoyed it so much. Or in the last few years, when it was just me and my mom and my brother, even though it was a quiet day it always still was so nice, to smell the turkey first thing, to see the dog get all excited, to curl up and read a book and watch football and start planning for Christmas shopping, to start eating in the early afternoon and just go back for leftovers throughout the day. Honestly, I really would love to be back at my mom's for a few days at this time, especially if Adam were with me this time. But I'm glad that at least my family here wants to share in the day with me, even though it means nothing special to them, and they'll be over this evening for turkey dinner. It will be good to make new traditions. I think that wherever I am in the world, this will always be one of my favorite days.

I could list so many things I'm thankful for... my parents, my brother, Adam, the whole Sturgess clan here, the holiday season and all it's festiveness in the air, being where I am now after all the planning and stress I went through last year to get here, having a job and getting settled into life here, all the things that make me happy, my love of photography and reading, all the wonderful and inspiring stories that have given me hours of happiness, my computer and my phone so I can stay in touch with everyone I know around the world. All the good things that have ever happened to me, all the people I've known who have touched my life in any way, everyone that has ever cheered me up or encouraged me, and even all the "bad" things or things that have gone wrong and that I've learned lessons from. I'm thankful for the beautiful world I live in and this beautiful, complicated, imperfect, wonderful little life that belongs to me. I wouldn't change a thing, and I think that's what I'm most thankful for.

Anyways, now that I've gotten the sappiness out of the way there, time to go finish planning the turkey day menu. Hope all the Americans out there have a wonderful day, whatever your plans are!

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