"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." -Aristotle

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Things I love

1. Randomness. Hence this post, random things that come to mind, in random order :) (leaving out all the obvious ones like my husband and family and friends)

2. Grocery Shopping. That may sound silly, but I have to admit, I love food, I love when I can find bargains, and sometimes I love trying new things. Morrisons can be a whole world full of those opportunities on some days, haha :) and it's fun when I can go by myself and not have Adam there to tell me how we don't need this or that. I get his voice in my head though while I'm shopping, and sometimes I listen, but mostly I just mentally tell him to shut up and then buy it anyway, LOL ;)

3. Sillyness. As you may have guessed from #2

4. Reading. Well, duh, I've talked about my love of books before, but really, no matter what else is going on in my life, there always has to be time for reading. I've been on a historical fiction kick for awhile, which makes history fascinating to me in a way that it never was in school. Currently though, I think I'm heading towards a chick lit kick for a wee while. Which brings me to #5...

5. Chick-lit. Ok, it's silly, it's "junk for your brain," but hey, sometimes we need a little of that. It's also quirky, clever in it's own way, hilarious in dialogue and in the character's observations, and gives me a chance to connect with my girly side.

6. Yogurt. A perfect compromise when I want something sweet, but want to feel a bit better about my snacking habits.

7. Addictive games. Skyrim, I can't get enough of you. Also the little ones on my phone... Restaurant Story, gin rummy, dropwords, 3D bowling, bejeweled, mahjongg. Plenty to keep me busy for way more time than I even have for game playing in an average day.

8. Wine. Just a glass or two with a meal now and then is lovely. Although I still don't understand why Adam thinks that if you open a bottle of red, you have to finish it within a day or it'll "turn to vinegar." I've never had that problem, and my mom and I would always open a bottle, drink half and save the rest for another time. It may lose a bit of flavor by the time you open it again, but it's never gone bad.

And there's loads more I could list, but these are just the ones at the front of my mind today. Save the rest for another day then :)

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