"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." -Aristotle

Saturday 20 August 2011

weekend by myself

So, Adam's in Scarborough this weekend for his annual lads holiday. He left on Thursday afternoon and gets back tomorrow, so I've had the flat all to myself this weekend. Thursday was ok since I was working in the afternoon/evening, although it was lonely coming home to an empty flat. Going to bed alone is weird too. Yesterday I had the day off, but I kept busy during the day, with running off to Morrisons for groceries and then Morley Market, and going out with Adam's mum and auntie and cousin for a late lunch. It was a good day, and then I came home and made myself a korma for tea, since I love curries but Adam won't eat them, so we never have it normally. And of course I have plenty to read to keep me occupied, I even downloaded a new Kindle book yesterday when I finally got paid. I do like it better though when Adam's around, even if I'm reading and he's playing a game or watching something I'm not interested in, we can do our own thing and still enjoy each other's presence, you know? I used to love time to myself when I lived at my Mom's, I guess because it always felt like she and my brother and I were always in each other's way or annoying each other somehow, so the times that I was alone felt peaceful. I still like my alone time, I'm used to it during the day when I'm home while Adam's at work, and usually I'm so into my book or whatever else I'm doing that I hardly notice the time go by. I'm just not used to evenings and nights alone anymore, I guess. But it's only for a few days, and by now it's more than halfway over anyhow. I mean, look at all the women out there who have husbands in Afghanistan, or who travel frequently, or any circumstances that keep them apart for long periods of time. I certainly can't complain about a few days. I'll be at work during the day today anyhow, so then I just have to occupy myself for one more night, and then tomorrow morning. I can't say that I'm not glad the weekend is going by fast though. Although I might not be saying that once Monday rolls around and I've got a long week at work ahead of me... but I'll deal with that when it comes around I guess :)

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