"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." -Aristotle

Wednesday 31 August 2011


It's hard to believe that today is the last day of August. Aside from the weather, that is, which has seemed to have gotten chillier as of late, but even that I'm not used to happening until at least a month or so from now. But of course this is England and not the mid-Atlantic region of the United States, and summertime there is much different than it is here. It does kind of feel like we just completely skipped over the summer, like it's stayed Springtime this whole time and will soon turn to Autumn. Hopefully we'll manage to squeak out a nice little Indian Summer though, and it would be nice if that could coincide with our Scarborough trip in a few weeks. Here's to hoping!

So, I'd say it's been a pretty uneventful month, aside from getting used to the new job. Things are going fine there, and as the weeks have gone on I've felt less like the annoying new person who doesn't know anything, and more and more like I'm starting to fit in a little and can relax a bit more and start to be myself and get to know people. Overall I like it, time goes fast there since it's so busy, and the people are pleasant enough. It'll never be Brew-Haha of course, but every place is different, and every place has it's own good things about it too. And it's good to finally be earning money again. Not that I ever have much to spend once money has been set aside for bills and all, but still, a little bit is nice for things like downloading a Kindle book here and there, or just being able to afford to get a little more at the supermarket. I've also been able to work out a payment plan for the last debt that I still owe back in the States, and although that money that comes out of my account every month will be missed, it's only for a year until I've paid back a portion of what I owe, and then they'll forgive the rest, which is really the best deal I could've managed. So by the end of July of next year, I'll be free of all of my old debt, and that's worth every penny I have to give them from now until then, to have that weight off of my shoulders.

Well, I suppose there's not much else to say. Not a very exciting blog entry, but then I suppose the title already speaks for itself.

True silence is the rest of the mind, and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment.  ~William Penn

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