"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." -Aristotle

Saturday 10 September 2011

new phone :)

So, I got my new phone yesterday, and it's absolutely brilliant. Really, it's like a little hand-held computer, I can see why they call them smart phones because they seem to do everything. I've always had a preference for Apple, but I think I'm getting to know this HTC alright so far and get the hang of navigating with it. Nearly all the apps I have on my iPod and my old phone, I've got on here now, and some new stuff too. It's great to just sit and play with, there's so much to do with it. And I love how when I'm not in a WiFi spot, I can just turn on the 3G to use the internet. If I did that with my old pay-as-you-go phone, I'd run through my money faster than I could blink. But now I'll be able to use the 3G when I'm out somewhere, on the bus or on my break at work. And I have unlimited texting (within the UK) which is convenient since I text more than I ring people anyways.

I think it's really great, the way technology constantly evolves so much. In a way it's frustrating, when you buy a new device and then a few months later there's something even newer coming out, but then when you look at it, everytime there's a new model, the older ones will get a little more affordable, or another company will make one and the price will go down from having more competition from other products. So all these devices that are too expensive when they're first made will eventually become more affordable in time, and more commonly used amongst more people. I mean, if you think about things like digital cameras, iPods, and camera phones, how expensive were they when they were first made, and now everyone has one and you can easily get a good price for one. We're seeing it more now with things like eReaders and smart phones (hence my new HTC phone, which was free with a 2-year contract, and comes with a very reasonable monthly bill) and I think we'll be seeing it very soon with tablet computers as well, since so many new devices are competing now with the iPad. So if there's a new gadget that you have your eye on but is still out of your price range, just wait a bit and eventually it'll drop in price, and likely also come better made and without the bugs that you usually find in something that's just had it's first product release.

And Android, I apologize for all the times I put you down and said how you're inferior to Apple. I still wish you'd get your own version of the Momento app, but otherwise I change my mind and I think you may be pretty awesome after all :)

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